1. statcodelists::CL_ACTIVITY_ANZSIC06
    Codelist Activity - ISIC, Revision 4
  2. statcodelists::CL_ACTIVITY_ISIC4
    Codelist Activity - ISIC, Revision 4
  3. statcodelists::CL_ACTIVITY_NACE2
    Codelist Activity - NACE, Revision 2
  4. statcodelists::CL_AGE
    Codelist Age
  5. statcodelists::CL_AREA
    Reference Area Code List
  6. statcodelists::CL_CIVIL_STATUS
    Codelist Civil (or Marital) Status
  7. statcodelists::CL_COFOG_1999
    Classification of the Functions of Government
  8. statcodelists::CL_CONF_STATUS
    Codelist Confidentiality Status
  9. statcodelists::CL_COPNI_1999
    Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households
  10. statcodelists::CL_COPP_1999
    Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose
  11. statcodelists::CL_DECIMALS
    Codelist Decimals
  12. statcodelists::CL_DEG_URB
    Codelist Degree of Urbanization
  13. statcodelists::CL_FREQ
    Codelist Frequency
  14. statcodelists::CL_OBS_STATUS
    Codelist Observation status
  15. statcodelists::CL_OCCUPATION
    Codelist Occupation
  16. statcodelists::CL_SEASONAL_ADJUST
    Codelist Seasonal Adjustment
  17. statcodelists::CL_SEX
    Codelist Sex
  18. statcodelists::CL_TIMETRANS
    Codelist Time Transformation
  19. statcodelists::CL_TIMETRANS_PER
    Codelist Time Transformation Period
  20. statcodelists::CL_TIMETRANS_TYPE
    Codelist Time Transformation Type
  21. statcodelists::CL_TIME_FORMAT
    Codelist Time Format
  22. statcodelists::CL_TIME_PER_COLLECT
    Codelist Time Period - Collection
  23. statcodelists::CL_UNIT_MULT
    Codelist Unit multiplier
  24. statcodelists::codebooks
    Available codelists by concept